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By jtlamisPublished December 7th 2023

Lifting Toward a New Horizon

Each clank of the weights reverberated through me, a symphony that fed my soul. In the beginning, it was just another unit in PE class, but within the rhythmic rise and fall of iron, I found my calling. The smell of sweat mixed with determination filled the air around me, as I hoisted the weights, discovering a new passion.

I recall watching my peers, feeling the muscles in my arms burn, the strain in my legs, but it was joy—a raw, potent joy. Around that time, bursts of inspiration flickered through motivational TikToks, spurring me into action. What began as curiosity soon spiraled into a voracious hunger to lift more, to be more.

Back then, nutrition was a distant afterthought, but now it's a cornerstone of my routine. The sizzle of lean meats on the stove, the crunch of fresh greens, and the steadfast ritual of protein shakes became my culinary symphony. My temple was now built on healthy fuel, and it showed. Every fiber in my body felt alive, responsive, as if thanking me for the newfound respect.

At six days a week, the gym became my second home. It wasn't just about losing the weight, which I did. I watched the transformation in the crystalline truth of mirrors, the once soft lines of my body carved into something firmer, stronger. With the fat melting away, it wasn't just my reflection that changed—it was everything.

Confidence bubbled up from within me like a spring. My footsteps grew assured, my voice louder. I laughed more, reached out, and suddenly, eyes lingered on me. The glances from women were amusing at first and then affirming, a silent acknowledgment of the man I was becoming.

My future unfolded before me like a path I was meant to walk. College and a fitness-related degree now shimmered on the horizon, a stepping stone to my ultimate goal — becoming a physical therapist. Helpfulness intertwined with my essence, as I now scheme workouts for others, guiding them through the metamorphosis I once underwent. Each success story was a thread in a tapestry of purpose, my purpose, woven tightly through the language of weights and wellness.

I was no longer the person I had been. I was transformed, and this, this was just the beginning.