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By jamiesonhillPublished November 30th 2023

The Rhythmic Journey of a DJ-Turned-Entrepreneur

The kaleidoscope of incandescent bulbs cast an electric aura over the writhing crowd as I stood, almost hidden in the shadows of the 2K one nightclub. There, on the infamous Berlin Turnpike in Newington, Connecticut, the DJ booth sat enshrined, a sanctum where only the deemed "cool" could enter. At a tender age of 16, I had earned my passage into the heart of this temple by promoting all-ages nights, where my naivety clashed with patrons a world away in maturity, yet we were connected by the unspoken language of music.

There, I would lock my gaze on the DJ, a maestro commanding the pulse of the sea of bodies with each thump of the bass and flick of the wrist. I was captivated. My friends had turntables, sources of envy, yet unreachable with my meager means. However, ambition ignited within me like the lasers that danced across liquid-cooled mirrors of the club.

Fast forward to 2004, I found myself ensconced within the heartbeat of New York City. Armed with a persistence that earned me pre-shift hours in an empty nightclub, I practiced, letting CDs spin beneath my fingertips. Each beat coursed through my veins – a siren’s call to which I surrendered. Los Angeles called next, a breeding ground for mastering the craft among kindred spirits, where after-parties whispered the esoteric arts of selection, collaboration, and the nuanced interplay of soundscapes.

By 2006, I was a voice on the airwaves, hosting a radio show named 'The Factory', showcasing house and techno to anyone within reach of the signal. The DJ tables at the school radio station became a laboratory of experimentation, where beat matching became second nature. Then, fame came knocking. A TV show, 'Master of the Mix', beckoned with celebrity encounters that saw my passions for DJing propel me to globe-trotting performances in renowned clubs.

The landscape shifted with time; DJing became pedestrian as technology democratised the once exclusive skill. A pivot was essential—entrepreneurial ventures beckoned my analytical mind. There was 'Related Garments', 'Cream on Top', and during the stillness of a pandemic-ridden world, an intersection of passions emerged with 'Shell Orb', giving life to NFTs that married art with the rhythm that had always pulsed within me.

The orbit led me to 'Orb Energy', where the cycle of creativity and commerce intertwined, offering power solutions for the voracious energy appetite of bitcoin mining—a union of my divergent worlds.

Through this odyssey, a philosophy crystalized: Trust your heart's compass, and release what no longer serves your spirit. As necessity dictates we labor, let it not be in void of joy and growth. It's courage, not defeat, to let ventures sunset when their dusk arrives, making room for a dawn that resonates with the deepest vibrations of your soul.