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By louhun0703Published November 29th 2023

The Arrival of the Royal Blue Joy

My heartbeat was an erratic drummer, pounding with anticipation, as the hours inched closer to the fateful one o'clock. The very air around me seemed charged with excitement on this normal Wednesday that was about to become anything but ordinary. The mundane ticking of the clock in my kitchen syncopated with my mounting thrill; it was almost time.

And then it happened: the moment crystallized into reality as Ted the driver glided into my life with the elegance of a royal procession, steering my new chariot into position. I stood there, transfixed, as the reflection of the sun danced across the smooth, royal blue curves of my gleaming Volkswagen T-Roc, now marking its territory on my driveway.

The cerulean hue was a deliberate choice, a burst of joy against the canvas of everyday life. I had grown weary of my old white car's persistent cloak of grime. But this – this was a Picasso on wheels, its black alloys and black roof cutting a dapper contrast against the vibrant blue, a nod to both style and cheer.

The T-Roc wasn't an unfamiliar model to me; its contours had long appealed to my tastes. Yet, encountering it in shades of grey or white had never stirred in me what this bright beauty did. I yearned to ignite the engine, to feel the hum of its heart, and to bask in the novelty of new beginnings.

Restlessness took root as I counted the seconds, awaiting Eden's return. Together, we'd set off on that inaugural voyage, christening the car with memories to be.

At just five months young, this 2023 T-Roc carried the exuberance of its infancy. Fashioned as a demo car, it was seasoned but pristine, a paradox I found enchanting. Later, as the evening folded in around us, Eden's approval mirrored my own. Impressed, we shared a smile that was part promise, part adventure.

This was more than four wheels and an engine; it symbolised escapades yet to come – a vessel of potential perched eagerly on our doorstep.